
There is a saying that goes, “Still waters run deep.” And regardless of how vocal someone may be on the exterior, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot more brewing underneath the surface of their soul. Oftentimes, there is. And more often than not, there is far more to story than the pages you might be stuck on in the chapter of their lifeor maybe even in yours.

I suppose that I should preface this blog by saying that I don’t know it all, nor do I have all the answersand I got to wondering this afternoon if anyone is even supposed to. I don’t think they are. I don’t think that’s the objective l in life. For me, in my mind, I imagine that life is about finding the answers to the questions most pertinent to youwhatever those questions might be. To take it to an even deeper level of thought, maybe those questions are supposed to be in a constant state of flux, of change. And maybe that’s where the challenge lies. Because change is uncomfortable, but also, necessary for growth.

I have come to realize over the past few monthswell, years really, that it’s imperative to your personal growth and development to surround yourself with positive, enthusiastic people. More than this, it’s crucial to become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know, to shake off the negativity and nonsense that life might dish you, and turn everything you can into the most positive situation possible. And, if the people currently in your life can’t rise to that level, it’s time to let them go; time to let them find their own way.

Naturally, one has to admit that no one is perfect, and there isn’t a person among us who can be positive and enthusiastic all the time. However, we are all works in progress, and it’s the mistakes and faux pas we make that can either break us or turn us into the person we aspire to be.

For me, that means I aspire to be more, to be better, to be whole.

What do YOU aspire to be?

I’d love to hear your comments and your answers to this question.

The song of the day? Check it outheck, it might even make you think. And, if my silly little thoughts can inspire just ONE person, then I’ve done something good, which (of courrse) is something I aspire to do on my quest for "more".