All my life, for as long as I can remember, the Universe has left me breadcrumbs designed to lead me home…wherever home might be at that moment. And even though these breadcrumbs are not always subtle, she leads me nonetheless. Sometimes my breadcrumbs came in the form of catastrophes: a horrible divorce, a fire that nearly killed me, totaling my car, false starts, real starts, endings, beginnings and the status quo; no matter what, no matter where, the Universe keeps steering me toward my (for lack of a better word) cheese. No matter where I am or how I am feeling at any given moment, the Universe gives me direction…in a way only she can. When I take a step in the wrong direction, she sends me not so gentle signals. When I am on the right path, she is a bit more gentle, but she has quite a knack for showing up at exactly the moment when I need her most.
What do I mean?

And she said…
She spoke by guiding me to choose the long, scenic route
home from a long, grueling day in the car. She gave me moments of peace, with
every song on the radio I needed to hear, exactly when I needed to hear it.
And, while on that long, scenic drive home, I was able to turn up the radio,
tune out the world, enjoy the scenery and sing along, looking up at the sun
peeking through the clouds, on a back road that led to nowhere other than home.
Even, if just for a moment, I had peace.
I heard her. I heeded her call.
She spoke to me again later on that same evening with
something as simple as a phone call. A phone call from someone I barely know
who thanked me for all I have done, for being there when no one else was (or
could be) for someone she loves. She praised me. She lifted me up, without even
knowing she did. Thank you.
And, again, my dear friend the Universe spoke to me through
my own daughter tonight. My child who (for no reason at all) told me what she
is happy and grateful for since moving out of our home to where we are now.
And here is the thing…
We all get them. Yet, all too often, we ignore them, we cast
them aside and we don’t see their relevance until it is far too late. I know I
am guilty of this for the longest time. Yet, when I began to pick up the
breadcrumbs, I began to find my way home. And maybe, just maybe, you will too.
"The moment you accept what troubles you've been given, the door will open". True words, but oh so difficult to embrace!