And Now For Something Completely Different…

I write a lot. I know that. I'm vocal when it comes to the written word. It's probaly hard coded into my DNA. However, tonight, I think vulnerability is important, so I’m going to let you all in on a secret. I’m a collector; I collect quotes, memes and pictures. It’s something I doand something I have never told anyone that I do. On humid, rainy nights, like tonight, I oftentimes like to sit alone and listen to music and scroll through all of them. And every time I do, I find some good in it, a few moments of happy. What can I say? I don't watch much TV, I prefer to read...and this is something that makes me happy; capturing emotions that range from high to low in a moment's notice. And...often times, I send these things to the people I hold nearest and dearest to me, just as they do me. So, tonight, instead of writing somethingbut because I want to still continue with my 21 days of blogsI wanted to post some of my favorite photos and memes. Maybe, just maybe, they will make you smile...and I hope they do. Because someone needs to smile today, I hope it's you. 

So...why this? Why now? Because I felt like it. That's why. And here is the thing we all need to learn: none of us can be put in a box. We can't be put in a box of yesterdays, we can't be put in a box of today's...we can't be put in a box of anything...unless we allow it. We are all multi-faceted, multi-talented, multi-everything. So own that. Be that. I fully intend to. I hope you learned something tonight...and I hope some of these made you smile. Happiest of dreams to you. 

If you have a comment, leave it, or forever hold your peace! :)