Just Enjoy the Ride...

I had a lot of fun this weekend. I took the first vacation I had taken in five years, and it was a blast. And even though I didn’t travel far from home this time, I realized one universal truth: It’s not always about the journey, it’s about who you take your journeys with that can matter the mostand even be the most fun. Because, I’ve been a million places in the past, but didn’t have nearly as much fun as I did this weekend….just aimlessly wandering.

And, on the drive home, as we got to talking and reminiscing about days gone by, I got to thinking: – as if that surprises anyone -- Are we really who we are, or are we who we choose to be? Do we have to live forever trapped by the demons of days gone past, or do we have a chance, a choice every day to do better, be better and be more?

And The More I Thought, The More I Blew My Own Mind…
See, all the time you get advice, feedback and opinions from everyone else. People who believe you are self-important, a bragger, a narcissista whatever. And here is the thing that struck me like a lightning bolt: “Who cares what they think? Because I don’t.” Let them think/believe/assume/say whatever they will. Because here is the bottom linethey will do it anyway.  So here is the thing:

“The most important, influential, amazing and important relationship you will ever have in your life is the one you have with yourself. And how you feel about yourself is precisely what you will see mirrored in others.”

And while I am far, far, FAR from perfect, I know that striving for perfection isn’t the answer. It’s about going with the flow, enjoying life, taking a journey, and being kind to yourself as you goand being kind to others in the process. And, judge me all you will, but I know my worthI’ve earned my worth through years and years of struggle. Want to call me a bragger? Want to call me self-important? Want to call me whatever? I’m okay with thatbecause I know (in my heart) none of it is true. I do what I do because I want to change the world, or maybe just inspire a little change here and therebecause I realized that living a life of love is all that really matters...and I do just about everything I do out of love. Because, you see, love is a dominoit hits everything else around itit creates and fosters a desire to change. And, if you approach life with love, you can never go wrong. Ever.

Until you know the full story, you, my darling reader (and me too) are in no position to truly judge anyone. 

Seek first to undertstand, then to be understood. 

Then again, I also realized that life isn’t about having the most friends, it’s not about sitting at the popular kids lunch table, it’s moreand it should be. It’s about finding value, it’s about maybe overlooking some people’s faults, and taking risks you never thought you should take.

Maybe, just like you, I spent far too much of my life relegated to living by rules, by a specific set of standards that I had qualified and quantified in my own mind when I should have spent more time just enjoying the ridenot worrying about when and where I would get “there”….and maybe even forgetting there was a “there” in the first place. See, life is one thing: yours; and you get to define, re-define and break the rules as much as you like….because without risk, there is zero reward.

You can read (and I have) a zillion self-help books, take relationship advice from Facebook memes and take to heart the opinions of others, or you can strive to do good, live life and embrace magic in disguise. 

Live the life you love, love the life you live. And own it...warts and all. 

And if there is one thing I know it’s this: I have never stayed the sameever. Throughout my own journey, I have fought, I have clawed, I have fallen, I have gotten back up, I have failed, I have succeeded, I have loved, I have lost and I have done it all over again. You probably have too...we all have a story...and each is fascinating...if we just stop and listen. 

And, up until the fire, I had forgotten that life is all about risk, it’s about giving more, caring too much, being bigger, being true, being grateful and just not caring what other people thinkbecause if they want to know the “why” they will askif not, they aren’t meant to be part of your story...and that is okay. 

But here is the scary thingI had become so jaded, for so long, that it took a shock to my system to change me...to inspire me to change….and here is what I am getting at here:

“I don’t want you to need that shock to your system to realize what I have.”

Happiness doesn’t have to be fleeting. If you expect great things, if you see positives where you have been pre-conditioned to see negatives, if you just live, without expectation, without fear, without anticipation.you are never disappointed, and you have time to just behappy. (Explains my Facebook cover photo, no?)

And while I fully accept the fact that I will fail again in many areas of my life, I know one thing:

Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try againfail better.

But, succeed or fail, rise or fall, ebb or flow, never, ever, ever forget to enjoy the rideand the people you take it with. Because you never know who might be a special someone who changes your life...even when you least expect it. 

Thoughts? Comments? Opinions? Go for itgive me something I can sink my teeth into. Because if it doesn't challenge you, it will NEVER change you.