5 Things

Every once in awhile, as I take a journey down my list for Project Manifest, I see how things are already coming to fruition, even though others are taking a little more time. And, I find myself more cemented in the fact that thoughts really do become things. When we shift our consciousness, we shift our results. After all, successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

Some things on my list have hit the jumpstart button, and I am seeing those things leap forward with amazing force. Others, however, are a little more difficult to obtain, but I see progress nonetheless. Regardless, as I sit here on the second of October, I am pleased with the overall progress, as I can see they are well on their way to achieving results. And isn’t that what it’s really all about?

With that said…
I am overwhelmed with the amount of people who emailed me, contacted me, inboxed me regarding project gratitude and project manifest; the numbers of people who made their own lists; the people who I am watching grow toward their own goals; the people who (and you know who you are) are taking this journey with me. And, honestly, I can’t wait to see where it leads.

But now, for the point:
As I shift my consciousness, on an almost daily basis, I am always on the lookout for things I can improve and work on within myself. Because today, I am wiser; I don’t set out to change the world, I merely set out to change myselfand with that the world has the choice to catch up, or fall behind.

And tonight, I give you five things that I want to work toward changing within myself:

1.       I am choosing my battles – I have oftentimes never been afraid of attending every argument I have been invited to. Now, I realize that people who are worth a spot in my life don’t need my explanations or justifications. They can either accept the changing being I am, or fall away. Some battles are worth fighting, others are worth pointing and laughing at. While othersothers simply aren’t worth my breath.

2.       I am working on killing my defense mechanisms – I have many. For instance, I will often hide my fear and pain behind sarcasm, and my wit. I will hide my own insecurities by deflecting with humor, as opposed to owning it. Vulnerability scares me to death. That is something I need to work on.

3.       I choose decisiveness – Many years ago, I made my reputation, I made myself virtually untouchable and indestructible on my platform of decisiveness. I have no time for wishy-washy-ness. I have little patience for it. Either make a choice or watch me make my own. I choose to tap into the strength that made me who I am.

4.        I choose to just ‘say it’ – Too often in my life (and probably yours too) we gloss over things, we avoid conversations that need to be had. No more. I have been calling people out on their behavior – dealing with the behavior and not the person, however – and it suits me. I made a decision to continue down this path, because it’s something that is true to me.

5.       I am playing to win – It is so easy to play to lose. If we approach something with the mentality that we can beat it, win it, be successful, we can be; we will find a way. The devil isn’t in the details; it’s creativity that is in the details, and I am choosing to tap into mine.

Of course, I am not saying that these are the only five things in my life I need to work on; I would be lying to you (and to myself) if I said this. However, these for me, right now are the five most poignant; the five things most relevant for me to be successful on the majority of the things on my Project Manifest list. And, if there is one thing I have learned from other people who have completed this exercise it’s this: Even if you don’t get everything on your list, exactly the way you want it, you get something better. Why? Because when you shift your consciousness,the rest just falls into place.

So here is my challenge to you: If you had to pick five things to change about yourself, what would they be?

And, today’s song that goes with this blog is one that a dear friend (who has taught me A LOT about life and living sent me this last Sunday) that inspired me to make some important changes in my own lifemaybe it will do the same for you too