Everything Happens for a Reason…Except What You Screw Up On Your Own

So you screwed the pooch. Get over it. We have all screwed the pooch at some point, all done things we regret and wish we could take back that we can’t. Sometimes, you have to realize that there is too much damage done to continue on with some people. Sometimes that some people is even yourself. You can either run from it, or learn from it. Then again, maybe all of these things happen for a reason.

Conquer Water
He told me, “You conquered fire (house fire) and you conquered heavy metal (car accident), now you need to conquer earth, water and air.”

Of course, that was before he dumped a glass of water on my purse that eventually led to my cell phone getting wet and its imminent demise a few hours later.

Then again, that’s how I conquer water…I think.

Being without my phone has been maddening. I never really realized how dependent I was on the stupid thing…or how much of a distraction it had become. The texts, the calls, the communication can be overwhelming at times. But, being without my crutch led me to stillness in my mind, it led me to realize that I have a little too much communication going on in my life right now. It helped me realize how important communication boundaries are, why they are important and how sometimes starting over is vital to progress. Being without it helped me focus on my newest ventures; things that excite me; things that make me happy.

Time for a Change
I read something last night that got under my skin while perusing social media. Then I reminded myself that, just like everything else, I am in total control of my social media life, and my life in general. I don’t have to interact or contend with anyone I don’t feel like interacting or contending with at any given point. You don’t either. So, I chopped a few more people out of the online friend tree and it hit me. Silence can sometimes be a powerful tool, because silence can never be misquoted.

Everything New is Old Again….Or Not
In a city of over a million people, there are still so many to meet, so many to prove right, so many others to prove wrong and a never ending sea of opportunity to move forward, and maybe even why everything is leading me to somewhere new in a few years – something I will explain in a later blog. If actions truly do speak louder than words, mine say that I want a fresh start, and I’m getting one. I’m moving to a new place soon, I changed my marketing landscape, I started over with my mindset, and I am choosing to surround myself with those on the same mission I am. And you know what? Nothing feels bad about that.


And all it took for me to see it was a little silence, thanks to a little water that led to me conquering one of my greatest obstacles…self-doubt and holding on to things, people and places that I should have let go of long ago, and reminding me that there is a reason you meet everyone. Some will challenge you, others change you, others anger you, and others open up your mind in a way that it may not have been opened before. Regardless, if you take more time to see the good in all you believe to be bad, to learn from all of those past failed relationships, and to stop caring what other people think and just worry about you and who you are, happiness isn’t too far behind. But never forget, sometimes even YOU are the asshole – and yes, that goes for me too.

All in all, I’d say I conquered water. In fact, I would even say it made a whole lot of things quite clean. So I’m thankful. I’m thankful that my crutch had to temporarily drown for me to come back to life.

If you go, right now, turn off your phone and leave it off for 24 hours, what do you imagine you would discover? Are you brave enough to do it? Or, does someone need to pour a glass of water on your purse?