The Fire, the Flames and the Phoenix: Part 3 - The Phoenix

Well, this is it, the last and final post of this particular series, before I move on to the next part of this journey…a part I hope that you (yes, you) will join me on. Then again, I don’t want to get ahead of myself. 

Although, I must admit, for the third and final part of a three part series, I think this one was worth waiting for.

Over the past few days, I documented our family’s recent home fire, how the flames changed my physical world, but also are how those flames burn inward and are changing my metaphysical world as well -- in ways I never quite thought possible until now. You see, out of every bed of ashes we have a choice: sink down into despair or rise above and soar.

Here’s the Kicker…

This particular blog isn’t just about me, it’s about you too. Yes, you. The person reading this right now. Wherever you are, whatever time of day it might be or whenever you happened to stumble upon this particular little blog, this is for you too. So keep reading…

 What I want to create out of this series and subsequent documentation -- or social experiment, if you will --  is a culture shift, a mind awakening of epic proportion. What I want to see come of this ties directly into something I wrote about back in January -- as part of my one word blog challenge -- and it’s a simple thing: it’s simply change. And once again, we have come full circle. How does that saying go? Oh. Yes. You keep being presented with the same lesson until you yield, until you learn it.

But Change Can Hurt…And it Should

When I teach real estate classes to my agents, I often harp on how you have to step out of your comfort zone if you want something miraculous to happen, and I’ve decided to take what I preach into practice on an entirely new (and improved) level.

Before I wrote part two of this series, I had a conversation with a woman who has been a constant source of inspiration to me for several years now, and we have had our share of spirited, snarky (the snark from yours truly, of course) debates about the legitimacy of manifestation. Now? I yield. Same lesson, different ways…now learned.

She knows who she is, and I know she is smiling as she is reading this right now. I have been given my marching orders, and those orders are simple: soar.

And I Intend to Do Precisely That

So here we go, here are the “rules” of the journey I am inviting you to travel with me:

1. Write a list. It doesn’t matter how short it is, or how long it is. All that matters is that you write down a list of things that you want in your life, things that are of paramount importance to you; things that ignite a spark in your soul. It doesn’t even matter how outlandish your list might be. Just write it down. Put a date to each desire. To be fair, I am going to share mine with you, right here, right now -- of course, I did take some liberties in editing. After all, I am allowed to keep some secrets to myself -- but this should give you a decent template to spin ideas from when crafting a list of your very own.

2. Focus on one thing, the most important thing to you. Yes, you read that right, just one. And then, for 10 - 15 minutes every day, imagine that desire is already yours. You’re already living that life. Whatever it is you wrote down has already manifested. You can touch it, see it, breathe it, taste it. It becomes an integral part of who and what you are. And by doing this, you are bringing that desire closer to you every single day.

3. Check your attitude at the door. Know that you cannot approach this challenge with the attitude of, “If this works,” or “We’ll see.” You have to believe it, sweat it out of every pore in your body, inhale it with every breath and know that it’s only a matter of time before whatever you have written down on that page becomes yours. The Universe delivers, but only when we believe that she will.  I know that this is true, because I can honestly say that whatever I have needed, whenever I have needed it has always had a funny way of showing up for me at precisely the right time...because I believed it was possible. All this time, I’ve been manifesting, just not using the right recipe.

4. Dump negativity. Ditch it all. There is no room for negativity in whatever it is you are manifesting. Take every negative thought you have, every negative emotion, and put it to bed. Awaken your beliefs, your soul, your positivity; give these sincere and beautiful aspects of your psyche a wicked case of insomnia. And any time you find yourself slipping back into your old, tired, outmoded negative thought processes, turn it into a positive thought instead. Then, have your daydream again, reinforce what you already know is yours.

5. Track it. As each date you put to each desire gets closer, measure your success. Then, check your attitude. Because if you believe, there is nothing that will ever stop you or get in your way from bringing whatever it is you want to you, at precisely the right moment.

Me? Well, you already have my list, but I am going to take this a step further -- would you expect less? I’m going to hold myself accountable to you, my readers, my friends, my family, and I am going to do this by way of two blog “projects”. The first is “Project Gratitude”. Now, before you roll your eyes at me, this is how “Project Gratitude” is going to work, and it’s not quite what you might think at first glance.

Enter: “Project Gratitude”, Stage Left

1. I am going to write down for you, every time I find myself slipping out of gratitude and into “Old Shauna”. Then, I’m going do document how I fixed it. For this, I am launching a Facebook and Twitter -- and maybe even Instagram if I feel particularly creative -- campaign with the hashtag #ProjectGratitude. If you already follow me on these venues, you will see I have already started do this. My promise to you is one #ProjectGratitude post per day. If I don’t do it, I expect you to call me out on it.

2. Once a week, I am going to write a “Project Gratitude” blog. No, it’s not going to be about unicorns who fart rainbows and have Skittles fly out their noses, it’s going to be real, it’s going to be gritty and it’s going to encompass the good, the bad and the ugly of me. My hope with my naked authenticity is that you might be able to relate and apply it in your own life.

3. I am dropping the hardass persona. I’m not really a hardass, you know. I am human, I am vulnerable, I am imperfect and I am flawed. I make mistakes. I’m not always altruistic and wonderful. I can be a handful, but the goal is to become less of one. Naturally, you’ll see a little snark peppered in to my #ProjectGratitude recipe, if for no other reason than that’s me, being authentic.

The second way I am holding myself accountable to you is with “Project Manifest

Enter: “Project Manifest” Stage Right

Project Manifest” is going to be a documented journey down manifestation lane. As each desire I have put a date to comes closer, I am going to give you my honest, no holds barred assessment of how my manifestations worked -- or how I am going to try again and fail better until I eventually meet with success. Project Manifest is also going to become a living, breathing thing. It’s going to change, it’s going to be updated, and you are going to follow along with me each step of the way…I hope. Naturally, I am going to add my own brand of practicality on the “getting there” bit, implementing several other sources of things I have studied and read over the years having to do with human relationships, behavior and just plain old grit on my end.  

My Challenge to You?

This is where it gets interesting. I don’t want you to just ‘follow along’ as I jot down what goes on in my life, I want you to participate. When you see my hashtags for either Project Gratitude or Project Manifest, I want you to comment and tell me what you learned that day, make a project of your own, create status updates using the same hashtag…show the world that change, while uncomfortable, can yield powerful results. So there you have it. I would love for you to write your own list, post it in the comments below, post it on my Facebook wall, post it as a comment on my thread or Tweet me. -- See? I’m all about options. Regardless, I’d love for you to join me -- yes, you.

And it starts today because no one is promised tomorrow.


After all, I don’t want to soar alone. 

Have some thoughts on either project? Want to join in? Please comment and SHARE with your friends and social networks, always, with my gratitude. 
  1. Thanks for sharing, nice post!
    Chia sẻ các bạn cách làm gà chiên giòn cực ngon hay cách chữa răng ê buốt tại nhà hiệu quả hay bà bầu bị táo bón có nên rặn hay loai ran doc nhat the gioi hay cách làm mồi câu cá rô phi đơn giản và hiệu quả hay CMNR là gì và nguồn gốc của nó hay bà bầu có nên ăn ốc không. Giải mã giấc mơ thấy rắn - Nằm mơ thấy rắn là điềm gì sẽ giúp các bạn giải đáp các thắc mắc về nằm mơ thấy rắn.
