Why I Believe in Magic

A friend of mine posted an article on his Facebook page tonight, “Beautiful Advice From a Divorced Man After 16 Years of Marriage,” and, naturally, it got me to thinking – I’ll get into what I was thinking about in just a moment, but first, I highly recommend clicking on this and reading it. Then, come backbecause I’m not quite finished yet.

Everyday a Little Magic HappensProviding We Aren’t Too Blind to See It
I don’t know how, why, the rhyme, the reason or the logic behind it (if there is such a thing), but it seems as though every day since November 5, 2012, as I scroll through my newsfeed, I get a message. It’s a compilation of things most days, but the funny thing is that there are four or five posts, always in a row, with a recurring themeand they all match or compliment the other. Of course, the magic is that they are each from a different source and it’s as though each day I am given a message, and it’s exactly the message I need, although it might not always be the one I want.

The Only Problem was that For a Long Time, I Refused to Listen to These Cues
What can I say? Rebellious should have been my middle name. Tell me to turn left, and I will likely turn right. Tell me to look up, and I will probably look down. That’s obviously something I need to work on. 

But, despite my rebellious nature, I also believe that we are all sent signs throughout our lives, or maybe even guided, down the path we are meant to travel. And, ironically, the rebellious nature I have often been so proud of for all of these years was the self-same thing that prevented me from hearing what the Universe had been trying to tell me all along. That it might be more important for me to listen and apply than embrace my belligerent nature.

Because I Learned This: Everyone Comes With Their Own Set of Instructions
I believe this, sincerely. Everyone we meet on our journey has their own set of uniquely different, wonderful, flawed, broken, bitter, angry, happy, joyous, gleeful instruction booklets. The problem is that we are all so busy reading (and maybe even rewriting our own) that we don’t take the time to learn what theirs are. That is, until we begin listening to their cues, watching how they behave, but probably the most important of these is being able to look into their eyes and see their soulfor it is there that their instruction book lies – even if it’s a little suppressed, hidden and tattered on the edges. And once you have read it, you know exactly how to love them.

The verbal among us need to hear things. The action-oriented among us must be shown. Regardless, return the love you get in kind, and in spades, and you can never go wrong. It’s really that simple.

But Here is Something Else That’s Just a Little Magic In Itself…
There is a blog that has literally changed my life. (Don’t laugh.) But it was an article titled, “Time to Ditch Your Back Up Plan.” As I read it, I said, “Oh my God, it’s sounds just like me.” I had back up plans for my back up plans. And it was after I read it that single blog that I knew I needed to change that.

I started to listen to the cues, to really hear the magic in my life for the first time, enough to ditch my back up plan(s), began to streamline and I made a choice.

From there, it was easy.

My “Secret”As It Were
Beginning on August 25, 2013 I began jotting down (on my phone) 10 things I am grateful for each day. And, whenever I am having a miniature emotional crisis, whenever I begin to doubt my cues; to talk myself out of whatever goal/dream/wish/plan I have, I refer back to those 10 things. Why? Because those 10 things are magic. And those things become the magic that leads me down the path I probably should have been travelling all alongwith precisely the people in my life I was designed to travel it with.

And thatthat is really magical.

Because, in the end, all life is an adventureand it’s the people we travel with who make the journey worthwhile.