The Best Thing That Never Happened To You
By: Miss Adventures
I know this woman. She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s loyal,
she’s successful, she’s loving, she’s kind, she’s sassy and she’s hands down
amazing. She is generous, she is honest, she’s a good cook, a great
housekeeper, a fantastic partner, a level headed confidant, pure of heart and innocent
of soul.
She’s the best thing that never happened to you.
For all her saving graces, she is still flawed and
imperfect, but even in light of her vast vortex of imperfections, she is still
worthy of love in the most pure of forms. I know this, because I know her (probably)
better than anyone else in this world.
Yet, she came to know people, women and men, who were not
pure of heart, whose innocence was lost long ago and replaced by something
else. And it hurt her. And she became bruised, battered, scarred and lost…jaded,
cynical, sarcastic….hardened. The light within her dimmed to the cold world
that engulfed her.
She was criticized, she was chastised and she was put down….diminished
for being who and what she was.
She was told she was wrong every time she delved into the
inner workings of the men in her life, only to find out that they had betrayed
her time and time again; things she never would have looked for had she not had
reason to. Things she never would have sought out if she didn’t know on the
deepest level of her heart that she was right. There are only so many betrayals
a human being can take, I think, before they break in half, before they just
don’t believe in love anymore….or even in people.
No matter what she did, no matter how much she did, none of
it was “right”, it was never “good enough”, for the men in her life, despite her every attempt to make
it so.
And this weighed heavily on her.
It drug her down.
It nearly destroyed her as she kept reinventing herself time
and time again.
Eventually, her heart became as cold as ice. Her demeanor
hard and difficult to penetrate down to her core. She built walls upon walls of thorns around herself to keep people out, to keep them away, to keep what was left of her precious
heart safe.
And she was okay with that.
She was perfectly miserable.
And she was perfectly miserable until he came along.
Actions, they say, mean far more than words ever do. Actions
eclipse words and promises…always.
Then, one day, she came across, by happenstance, by fate, by
kismet someone who said something that met up with his actions. He said to her,
“Do you know how I got through all of your barriers? How I broke through all of
the walls you had put up? It was easy. All I had to do was love you. Actually
love you. And that’s the easiest thing to do in this world.”
It was at this point that the ice princess began to let her
heart melt a little bit. Finally, after a lifetime of searching, someone had
found her (or even the other way around) who saw that she was magic, and who
reminded her of that when she had forgotten.
And isn’t that all love really is? Finding someone we think
is magic, fueling that fire of spell craft and reminding them of that when they
have forgotten?
This is why this woman I know is the best thing that never
happened to you, because she was too busy being the best thing that happened to
someone who deserved her.
Happily Ever After,
Miss Adventures