Shauna has been featured on:

Active Rain
Living Healthy 360
Inside Technology
Inside Business
Constant Content
Money Matters
World Issues 360
Spiritually Living
And numerous others, writing on everything from health issues, financial issues, government, politics, op-eds, relationship issues and more. Many of her boot camp training sessions can also be found on YouTube.
Shauna also has three other blogs:
Penny Pinchers -- If you want some frugal living/money making need to visit and subscribe.
Valkeryie -- A business where Shauna teaches you how to monetize your marketing.
Smart Ass Investing -- Everything you ever wanted to know about real estate investing. (Coming soon!)

Active Rain
Living Healthy 360
Inside Technology
Inside Business
Constant Content
Money Matters
World Issues 360
Spiritually Living
And numerous others, writing on everything from health issues, financial issues, government, politics, op-eds, relationship issues and more. Many of her boot camp training sessions can also be found on YouTube.
Shauna also has three other blogs:
Penny Pinchers -- If you want some frugal living/money making need to visit and subscribe.
Valkeryie -- A business where Shauna teaches you how to monetize your marketing.
Smart Ass Investing -- Everything you ever wanted to know about real estate investing. (Coming soon!)