Think About What You Never See

It occurred to me, after 35 years of life, that there is much of it, regardless of your social media prowess that people simply do not see.

They do not see the times you curl up in a ball and cry your eyes out, until you have no tears left, for all the hurt, all the pain, all the anguish that seems to overtake your soul for a moment.

There is no one around during the moments you want to give up.

No one notices the burning regret in your eyes, when you think about your list of coulda, woulda, shouldas.

There is no one around when you look at yourself in the mirror, after sobbing your eyes out, who has to recognize the anguish in your own face....other than you.

There is also never anyone around the moment you decide to be courageous.

No one sees the moments, the second, you decide to take a risk, choose to change your mind...or to change your life.

There is never someone standing by when you suddenly do something extraordinary.

There is no recognition for taking a leap of faith…at least not in the moment you decide to do it.

People…our fellow human beings….always come in after the fact.

Coincidence? I think not.

No one is there for those life altering moments, because those are YOUR moments. Those are the moments that define your character, your self-worth, your inner strength. They are the moments of solitude, in which, after a period of deep thought, you do something to change, or…you decide to do nothing and remain the same.

Far too many people launch campaigns of gossip. Far too many people make proclamations of character. Myself included. All too many people decide who a person is, before they have reached the apex of who they are supposed to be.

Then again, some people never change.

The beauty in all of this is simple: The choice is always our own. It’s not what we have done that defines us, it’s what we do that creates us. And this is a hard fought lesson to be learned. For, all too often, we are slow learners. Even me.

So here is the lesson. The next time you are urged to make a snap judgment based on
what you heard, based on what you think, based on your very limited (and this applies to us all) amount of knowledge, remember the times that life altered you, and remember that life alters others in the same way…or in no way at all. Think about what people never see. 

The mission is to let go in love. Always. But also, sometimes, to just let go. What is meant to be yours will always come back. What isn’t, never will. 
  1. I am proud of your growth and shared perceptions. Keep on keeping on!
    Love you!, Mom
