You can’t fix stupid.
course I hold my own opinions in high esteem. So do you. Opinions are born and
bred out of research and complex thinking, nurtured (hopefully) by sound logic
and reason, leading you to an ultimate conclusion on everything from the unfortunate
byproducts of free speech to whether or not speedos are sexy – they aren’t, by
the way. Moreover, while I do enjoy listening to different sides of any (and
all) issues, and while I do take some differing opinions into account, I have
concluded that some folks can’t debate for crap and have instead been thoroughly
infused with the asshole gene.
Am I just THAT much of a
Or maybe I’m just tired of people who feel like they “know” me and what I’m all
about because they read a few snippets I posted on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe
I’m just fed up with the perception argument. Because even though your precious
perception might be “reality”, it remains YOUR reality, not mine. So don’t
shove your crappy reality down my throat. Many thanks.
Getting back to my point
is why I’m going back to no more Mrs. Nice Guy. I’m done with giving even
handed opinions and arguments to people that are clearly not worth the time it
requires to do so. But even more than that, I’m going back to the roots of
being true to me. To expressing my feelings the way I want to … honestly and
without holding back. Because, if I’m not true to my own thoughts and feelings,
what’s the point?
bottom line is that I’m like opera. You’re either gonna love me or hate me, but
that won’t stop me from singing my song.