We are all merely travelers on this road, I think. You,
destined to go your way, and me, destined to go my own. But sometimes, just
sometimes, we find the diamond in the rough of people who make us smile, who
make us challenge even our most deeply seeded ideals, who break us open and who
form us into something else.
And here is the value of unplugging.
I took two days off. No cell phone. And I NEEDED it. Far too often, I have too many voices in my head -- no, not
my own. Far too often, people will speak to me, make sense, and then I react.
That’s not the best way to live. And I give you this from experience.
Then until now…
The second I plugged back in, it happened. And I wish I had been unplugged yet again...
Originally, in my head, my
blog tonight was going to be something different than what it has
morphed into, but here is the bottom line: get people out of your head. Quit
going to the consensus. Because, when I did, I made some stupid, poor, rash,
horrible decisions. And it took my losing five people in my life to realize
that. But, it was actually the best thing that ever happened to me.
Because I came into my own….
Once I let go of the people who wanted to give misguided
advice based only on their experience, I learned this --and this is going to give
you a peek into me as well. I would
rather give advice and render my opinions on the web than ask questions because
I know what asking questions nets me: It nets me a web of folk who mean well,
but who don’t really understand my circumstances. They render advice based on
what they can and cannot understand. And me? Well, I hold myself to a higher
standard than that. I’d rather screw up royally and teach than take prescribed
advice. So, if I “pontificate”, trust me, there is a damn good reason behind
But here is the secret to happiness…
Happiness, people, isn’t always a status, a role or a title.
Sometimes, it’s driving in the car, with the windows down, taking photos and
listening to music and singing along with a million different songs for hours
on end. It’s midnight moments dancing in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, and
laughing. It’s the stupid, silly moments that no one else gets to see, because,
frankly, those moments are none of their business. And, frankly, they shouldn’t
be. And, granted, my way isn't the only one, but it is a way, and I share my way, because I have tried many others that simply don't work...
So here is the lesson:
Quit assuming that everything you see on social media means something.
But, even more poignant that that, quit behaving as if social media IS
something that should be what your life is made of. If you take it too
seriously, in either regard, it might be time to re-evaluate your priorities. Just maybe. Just maybe our two cents is worth less than...
Happy Sunday!