As we shut the books on January yesterday, we ended the first 31 days of our Accounabilabet. It was also quite the momentous day, because it was the day that Mike realized just how he was going to loose.
Which was, of course, the inspiration behind this particular Facebook update….an update he made whilst seated across the table from yours truly, as I was going into great detail about my plan of action; a plan that can’t fail; a plan designed and destined to beat him.
But, you know, I’m a nice gal and all. I’m not going to leave the dude high and dry….so, I offered to lend him a hand – I mean, not even I like to see someone get their ass handed to them over and over and over (you get the idea). So my value proposition was as such:
What if I build you a monetized blog, with all of the pages and information you need in order to be successful…so that we have an equal playing field?
Of course, the loser-to-be-announced later, enthusiastically agreed.
Which led to THIS status (also made while sitting across the table from the 2016 Networker of the Year):
And, in case you were wondering, the winner for the month of January (drumroll please), the person who generated the most passive and active income…..was me. But hey, good old Mikey still has 11 months to try and catch up.
So, which team are you on? Are you Team Mike or Team Shauna? Who do YOU think will take the prize…and why?
Weigh in by leaving us a comment!
And, of course, if you like this blog, please share it so other people can participate in the first ever Accountabilabet in history.
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