Sometimes you just have to let go. At times this means
giving up your fears with reckless abandon, for if you refuse to do so, you
will never know what treasures await you. Other times it means you need to let
go of a person, an idea or a quest, because there is something different out
there for you. Dare I say…something better.
As I got to thinking about deep thoughts well…deeply, I had
to ask myself the question: How do you
know which is which? How do you know when to let go and when to hold on?
And this is how I
formulated my answer.
You just know.
Life gives us all (yes, every day) a unique, magical and wondrous
opportunity every day to grow, to become better, to become more than what we
were yesterday. And if you don’t believe this, you aren’t looking at life the
right way. Secondary to that, life continues presenting you with the same
lessons, over and over again, until you learn that lesson; until you actually
take that lesson to heart.
Here is where I am going with this. As I peruse my Facebook
newsfeed, I notice the mounting anxiety many people have as Father Time ticks
us every closer to Valentine’s Day; a day of romance, love and the (what I
consider to be a pointless) celebration of all things icky, sticky, mushy,
gushy and disgusting. (Sorry, I’m not a mushy person.) Yet, I noticed something
else: by and large, the folks with this ever-mounting anxiety are the same
folks who have anxiety about relationships in general. People who seem to have
the same relationship issues repeat over and over again, because they are
simply too thick in their tiny little noggins to “get it”.
And this is what was
truly interesting to me…
These are the same folks who repeat the same relationship
behavior girl after girl, guy after guy, etcetera, etcetera and so forth…you
get the idea. They run away. They clam up. They self-sabotage. They hit that
scared threshold and BAM, all of a sudden it’s as though a switch is flipped on
the crazy button and they doom themselves to failure. They claim that they don’t
want to be “alone”, but yet they do everything within their own power to ensure
their own loneliness. And then, they behave like children every time a
relationship “doesn’t work out.”
Because, at the end of the day, you just have to realize
that some people are like trees, in that they take FOREVER to grow up.
So…what’s wrong with
After countless failed relationships, relationships that
never took off or relationships that just can’t seem to get out of the gate,
perhaps it’s time to start thinking about what’s wrong inside your own heart,
before judging and condemning the hearts, actions and feelings of others.
Perhaps it’s time to employ a tiny bit of compassion and empathy. And maybe,
just maybe, you need to clean up your own house before inviting anyone else
inside. (Figuratively and literally.)
Of course, I say this with nothing but love in my heart for
you, dear readers -- albeit love of the tough variety --, because that’s
precisely what I’ve opted to do for myself. Because successful change within
yourself breeds successful change in life. Why? Because the only person you can
ever TRULY change, is you.
You see, as I got to thinking about all of this, while
writing this blog, I realized one simple truth: It’s better to be alone than lonely. Because it is.
Oh, and if you think this post is about you, you’re probably
right…or a total narcissist. Either way…leave me a comment and sound off! Tell me I'm right, tell me I'm wrong or tell me I'm crazy. I want to hear it all.
Happy Stinkin’
Valentine’s Day everybody!
My song, for my ‘soundtrack of life’ this week should fit in
nicely here. Enjoy!