A lot of folks view a new year as a time of rebirth,
renewal; a clean slate, a chance to start again; an opportunity to reach past
the befouled elements of a year that is now long gone. And while resolutions
are often made – and broken – (I personally never make the damn things for that
very reason), lessons can be a little more absolute and easier to stick to. So,
for 2015, here is what I hope to learn, and some things I hope you learn as
- Be kind, but remember, that doesn’t mean you have to take shit off people.
- Leave all of the hate, resentment and anger where it belongs….in 2014.
- Don’t wait for a new year or a Monday to start again. You can do that every day.
- If you fail, that’s okay….tryagain, fail better.
- Set goals. Measure them. Slay them.
- Write down goals for the year. Break them down by month. Then, by week. Then, by day.
- Keep your list of daily and monthly goals in a place you can see them, every day.
- Remind yourself (daily) of the accomplishment you feel when you get everything done.
- Make a plan so you can feel that way every single day.
- You get to define your success, do not allow someone else that right.
- Find someone to hold you accountable. Hold them accountable too.
- Stop beating yourself up. You were created to be human, not perfect.
- You aren’t ugly, society is.
- Stop procrastinating. Action is always better than perfection. You’ll get to perfect later.
- Create something. Write something. Draw something. Rinse and repeat.
- Read at least one book per week.
- Travel somewhere this year. Anywhere.
- Run your day, or else your day will run you.
- Find your passion and your fortune will follow – be it spiritual or financial.
- Money isn’t everything. If you don’t have someone to share in your success, it isn’t really success.
- Human connections are the most valuable treasure in this world.
- Only foster connections that hold you to a higher standard.
- Don’t take advice from people who haven’t accomplished what they are advising.
- Never take money advice from someone who is broke.
- Never take life advice from someone who is broken.
- Speak with authority on what you know. Confidence is key.
- It is perfectly okay to say, “No”.
- Saying yes to everything will overwhelm you and stagnate your growth.
- Take on only what you can handle.
- Know your limits.
- Know your truth.
- Embrace both of these.
- Learn how to push your limits.
- Make a pact with yourself to learn one new thing each week about technology – you’ll thank me later.
- Read at least one news article per day.
- Read at least one blog per day.
- Interact.
- Spend some time in solitude. Enjoy your own company.
- Stop fearing failure.
- Start. Start now. Whatever it is, just start. You will never master it unless you do it.
With Love in This and Every New Year,
Miss Adventures