Recently, I was having a discussion with someone quite close to me. He made an observation that I wasn't exactly thrilled about: Basically, he said I needed anger management, because I have a tendency to go Globo thermonuclear on people.
Okay, okay, only when they REALLY deserve it. Other than that, I am a pussy cat.
Naturally, in response to his (what I thought at the time was a ridiculous) observation, I yelled into the phone, "I DO NOT NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT!!!!!"
Then, I stopped for a beat and said, "Wow, spoken like someone who really DOES need anger management...."
And maybe I do need anger management. Or maybe, I just need a consortium of assholes to stop resurfacing in my life. Because, frankly, all they do is piss me off. And, ain't nobody got time for that.
Either is possible.
Of course, this got me to thinking....once, I took a quiz about my temper and what natural disaster it's connected to. The result? My temper is sort of like a tsunami. You don't exactly see it brewing under the surface, it hits without warning and does double the damage compared to it's other naturally disaterous siblings, because it takes everything with it when it flows calmly back to sea.
Basically, it takes a lot to get me Hulk-level sort of angy, but when something does...well....boom, crash, POW! Then...calm. (Hey, at least I don't hold on to it, once I have my heyday of complete and utter destruction, everything goes back to being calm. That's a plus, right? Right?)
Then, I got to thinking even more....about paradigms. Is there good in everyone? Bad in everyone? Or do we all fall somewhere in between?
Naturally, that led me to do the most rational thing possible -- note sarcasm --; take to the internet for another quiz to answer the burning questions in my crainum about human behavior and find universally acceptable answers....set to cartoons. This one.
Okay, okay, only when they REALLY deserve it. Other than that, I am a pussy cat.
Naturally, in response to his (what I thought at the time was a ridiculous) observation, I yelled into the phone, "I DO NOT NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT!!!!!"
Then, I stopped for a beat and said, "Wow, spoken like someone who really DOES need anger management...."
And maybe I do need anger management. Or maybe, I just need a consortium of assholes to stop resurfacing in my life. Because, frankly, all they do is piss me off. And, ain't nobody got time for that.
Either is possible.
Of course, this got me to thinking....once, I took a quiz about my temper and what natural disaster it's connected to. The result? My temper is sort of like a tsunami. You don't exactly see it brewing under the surface, it hits without warning and does double the damage compared to it's other naturally disaterous siblings, because it takes everything with it when it flows calmly back to sea.
Basically, it takes a lot to get me Hulk-level sort of angy, but when something does...well....boom, crash, POW! Then...calm. (Hey, at least I don't hold on to it, once I have my heyday of complete and utter destruction, everything goes back to being calm. That's a plus, right? Right?)
Then, I got to thinking even more....about paradigms. Is there good in everyone? Bad in everyone? Or do we all fall somewhere in between?
Naturally, that led me to do the most rational thing possible -- note sarcasm --; take to the internet for another quiz to answer the burning questions in my crainum about human behavior and find universally acceptable answers....set to cartoons. This one.
And this....well...this was my result:
In your absolute best, you are just like the dark knight himself. You are brave, passionate, inquisitive and resourceful. While growing up with noble and loving parents, you learned that it is our duty to help each other, and that even the smallest acts of kindness can resonate and impact the lives of others. However, you can also be very mischievous when you want to, just like the Joker. You do not appreciate fake people who say one thing and do the other, and when somebody is messing with you, you could be pretty vengeful. All in all, these are great qualities in a person, that will enabled you to get to the absolute top!
Which all in all wasn't exactly "angry" I'll take it...and skip out on the anger management crap for now.
But what about YOU? What's your result?
Are you good, bad, or somewhere in between?
Hugs and (Somewhat Angry) Kisses,
Miss Adventures
In your absolute best, you are just like the dark knight himself. You are brave, passionate, inquisitive and resourceful. While growing up with noble and loving parents, you learned that it is our duty to help each other, and that even the smallest acts of kindness can resonate and impact the lives of others. However, you can also be very mischievous when you want to, just like the Joker. You do not appreciate fake people who say one thing and do the other, and when somebody is messing with you, you could be pretty vengeful. All in all, these are great qualities in a person, that will enabled you to get to the absolute top!
Which all in all wasn't exactly "angry" I'll take it...and skip out on the anger management crap for now.
But what about YOU? What's your result?
Are you good, bad, or somewhere in between?
Hugs and (Somewhat Angry) Kisses,
Miss Adventures