Author: David Peavy
Could a lasting legacy of Barak Obama be that he has sold
Progressive Liberals on tacitly if not cheerfully accepting some bad Bush /
Cheney policies and created a host of new enemies?
With the reigniting of hostilities in Iraq, the Pentagon has announced that armed drones will patrol Bagdad. I am certain zero American parents would rather their daughter or son be in harm's way instead of a General Atomics MQ-1 Predator. However, it would behoove all to know that in other part of the world drones are not being used as described almost a decade ago. And for me it begs a question. Where are all my liberal friends? Having gone to college (a few times) I promise you, dear reader, that I do have more than a few crunchy granola, bleeding-heart, liberal friends. I have had conversations with them about "Terror Tuesday." What is Terror Tuesday you ask? That is a standing weekly meeting where Barak Obama, you know our Nobel PEACE Prize winning President, meets with his CIA Director, John Brennan, and his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, of the Benghazi video fame, to manage his secret kill list. And who is on the secret kill list? Well, it's a secret. But let's hope they don't make any mistakes and it's only the bad guys. Sorry, it's too late for that. We the People have allowed our President to run Signature Strikes. This is a practice whereby a drone launches a Hellfire missile at a group of people based upon the signature of their behavior. Suppose a half-dozen or so young men, ages 16 - 20 are enjoying dinner at an outdoor cafe' in suburban Sana'a (that's the Capitol of Yemen by the way). They go to this same cafe' every Friday after work. And one particular Friday they hear a faint buzz in the distance and then there is a brilliant flash and everyone is blasted into greasy pink mist and chunks of burned flesh. No weapons were present, no indication of any wrong doing, and we haven't even identified these people prior to blowing them up. This may indeed have been what happened Abdul-Rahman Al-Awlaki on the 14th of October, 2011, just 31 days after his 16th Birthday. He was an American Citizen born in Denver, Colorado. Yes his father Anwar, also a Citizen, may have done terrible things. He corresponded via email with Major Nidal Hasan, the Ft. Hood jihadi murderer. He may also have inspired the Underwear Bomber. But since when do we kill children because of what their Father may have done? A father Abdul-Rahman hadn't seen in three years. The only answer from our government came from Robert Gibbs, spokesman for President Obama's reelection campaign when he asserted that Abdul-Rahman should have had a more responsible Father. Can you feel the contempt? It has since come to light that Abdul-Rahman was never involved in terrorism, nor the subject of any investigation, and was, "not specifically targeted," in this drone strike. The Terror Tuesday group also targets both wedding parties and funerals. This is apparently in aid of assassinating other potential high value targets that may attend the funerals of those who were, "not specifically targeted." One can only speculate that striking wedding parties are Signature Strikes gone bad. As such, they routinely blast to bits grandmas and toddlers. Why should YOU care? Well, even if you're of the persuasion that agrees that taking out one terrorist is morally worth the collateral damage of a dozen of dead grandmas and toddlers, consider this: No better recruiting tool exists. A saying that is growing throughout the Arabian Peninsula, Sudan, Somalia and Pakistan is: "If they kill innocent children and call them al Qaeda, then we are all al Qaeda," as Jeremy Scahill, author of, Dirty Wars, reports. Scahill also reports that some of the innocent casualties were the children and wives of Pro-American activists in the region. If we kill a man's wife or child and he then wants to become a suicide bomber, is that man a terrorist? Or is he simply an enemy. It would seem that killing his wife or child in that manner would give him a legitimate grievance. What would you want to do in those circumstances? So where are all my liberal friends? When George W. Bush was President you were all fit to be tied. The Washington Times reported in April 2013 that Obama has ordered eight times as many drone strikes in four years as Bush did in eight. If John McCain were blowing up little brown kids with Muslim names as wantonly something tells me that you all would be camping out in Lafayette Park and marching on the White House. History may well record that a lasting legacy of President Barak Obama was that of making indiscriminate assassination, including that of American citizens, a key component of US foreign policy. |
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Shauna has also been a featured speaker on a variety of radio and talk shows as well as Huffington post video panel discussions and been requested to speak on a myriad of issues all throughout Texas, including advocacy against domestic violence, and empowering women through self-education.
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