Now how could you possibly have a bad day after remembering
that story?
You can’t.
Good memories are the things that lasting relationships and
happiness are made from, you know.
Although technology isn’t always the best place to advertise
our “good days”. I mean, I for one, sometimes want to jump through the screen
and smack someone upside their little pumpkin head for the simple over use of
the following words:
On and on the drudgery goes as
pixelated people try to convince us all of their perfect lives.
Sure your life is perfect.
<please note sarcasm>
To me this happy-go-lucky-farting-rainbows-riding-unicorns
sort of “happy” comes off as a bit disingenuous. We all have our bad days, our
down days, the days where we want to strangle the cat with a shoelace – calm down,
I don’t have a cat….or a potentially murderous shoelace. So having to hear
about how wonderful everything is all the time from random folks on the
internet is a bit disturbing, when you know that isn’t the truth.
--Not that I am saying everyone should only complain online
either, I’m merely pointing out that not everyone can have a great, marshmallow
filled fluff ball of a day all the time. --
So, I came up with an idea to document happy memories in a
different way -- offline. Instead of having to pour through journal after
journal to recollect a happy memory, I decided to make the remembrance of happy
memories in our house a little more random.
Enter: The Good Day
It’s a $5.67 canister I saw in Wal-Mart. It’s a little on
the Herculean side, but I like it. The idea is simple.
Take one good thing out of every day.
Write it down (with the date) and then fold it up in the
Whenever you are having a less-than-stellar day, visit the
jar and start taking out good memories until you put your mind right.
Good memories are one of the most powerful weapons
we have in our arsenals to fight off the challenges off bad days. Which is why it is crucial to document as many good days, good things as possible; to slay the dragons of doubt that creep up on us in the dark of the night.
And that is why everyone needs a Good Day Jar – and a Timehop.
Yes, even you.
Have something to say, something you’d like to add? Leave it
in the comments below!
Good-Daily Yours,
Miss Adventures