Today was not, as one would say, a banner day. It seemed
like bad news came from every turn. But, even in the light of that, before I
had to lay some bad news down on someone I love – which I did, and they took it
in amazing stride (I am proud of them, in fact), we ended the conversation like
Him: “You know, before you called, I was in a bit of a funk.
I was reading something in the paper the other day, and the fact that we won’t
be together for the holidays makes me extremely sad.”
Me: “I know, it makes me sad too. I hate it, really. But,
the good news is that this is the only holiday season we have to spend apart
ever again. Sacrifice now, rewards later.”
Him: “I know, but what I was going to say, before you interrupted
me, Mrs. C <snickers>, was that when I was feeling down, I got the email
you sent about your book dedication. I can’t believe you did that for me.
made my entire day. And, even though you sent it yesterday, it softened the
blow of today. You really are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
Me: “I know I am.”
Him: “That’s it? <laughs> Only you.”
Yes, that’s right, only me. Because when your significant
other is down and out, you know how to snap them right back out of it. That is,
after all, your job.
Now, I bet you
probably want to know what this game changing book dedication said, huh?
Simply this:
Dear Jon,
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by
reading the dedications from the author in ever book I have ever read, in the
history of…ever. And I gotta's kind of cool to be able to write my
own. My first dedication for my first book?
"For Jon, without who, this book would have never been
finished, and for who I am forever grateful; who I love with all my heart,
because he is the one person in the world who can push me to get past ‘I'm
gonna’ and get to ‘I did’. Thanks for putting up with my stubborn,
procrastinating butt. You are the only man alive who can. I love you. -Mrs.
Because when the storms come, when the rains of the world
seem to drown us out as individuals, when we can’t stand on our own anymore,
all we really need is someone to be there for us, when we need someone most.
After all, that’s all a relationship really is: being there for each other when
you need each other most.
It’s always, always, ALWAYS, the little things in life that
matter most.
Because, when you look back, all those little things, were
the biggest ones.